Discover through LLA Selections, the rich and varied cultural agenda of the city of Annecy. The cultural events in Annecy are to be experienced throughout the year… One thing is certain, you’ll be amazed during your stay. You won’t have left yet and you’ll already be planning your next stay by the lake!

Venetian carnival From Friday 3 to Sunday 5 March 2023

Every year, the city of Annecy recreates the magic of the Venetian carnival. During 3 days, several hundred people parade with their costumes inspired by the Venetian tradition… They walk through the old town of Annecy, along the canals and the lake. This parade takes place in a silent atmosphere, as required by the cultural event.

Cinémino – Children’s Film Festival
From 28 January to 5 March 2023

Every year, the film festival takes place for small children and adults… A varied programme: cartoons, films and documentaries are offered. This festival was born in 2002, and continues to make a name for itself and to offer new films every year that delight both young and old.

Les Grandes Médiévales d’Andilly
See you on 27, 28, 29 May and 3, 4 June 2023

A life-size change of scenery guaranteed with the Grandes Médiévales d’Andilly! Renowned for its shows bringing together more than 500 artists and a thousand extras… On the programme? more than 20 hours of medieval shows, each more impressive than the last! Medieval decor bringing together different universes of the old times, no boredom at the Grand Parc d’Andilly!

Festival du film d’animation d’Annecy
From 11 June to 17 June 2023

This year’s International Animation Film Festival (FIFA) promises many more great surprises and novelties. On the programme: screening of animated films in cinemas or in the open air, reruns of great classics, previews with presentations of the works by the authors, sound effects workshops, fun activities or signing sessions… You won’t be disappointed by this world’s biggest event dedicated to animation.

Some summer cultural events

Festival Annecy Paysages
Early July to mid-September

Let yourself be guided by this animation, go through the city in search of thirty or so installations, each more impressive than the last… These artists’ works are a mixture of contemporary art and landscape creations. Atypical festival which illuminates the streets of Annecy, its lake, or its parks… This festival is one of the cultural events in Annecy that the inhabitants of Annecy and tourists never tire of.

Festival Musilac – Aix Les Bains
From 5 to 8 July 2023

Fireworks on 13 July

13 July in the municipalities

Fireworks on 14 July
On 14 July in Annecy

Musilac has become the biggest pop-rock event in the Rhône-Alpes region. Created in 2002, 20 years later it is still as successful as ever and welcomes famous artists: Indochine, Orelsan, Depeche Mode, Bon Entendeur, Calypso Rose, Julien Doré, Kungs… there is something for everyone thanks to the different stages. Don’t miss this cultural event!

Menthon Saint-Bernard

Fireworks are set off in the small towns around the lake on the evening of 13 July. We advise you to rent a boat and watch them from the lake, to be able to enjoy all the fireworks from the lake shore, at 360°.
We can book a boat with a pilot for you: contact us for this!


On the evening of 14 July, the bank holidays is celebrated in Annecy. Entertainment is offered throughout the day on the Pâquier and in the Jardins de l’Europe.
The bonfires are fired from the Esplanade du Pâquier after dark. We advise you to take your place as early as possible in order to enjoy the show. If you don’t want to be in the crowd, you can climb the Semnoz or the Mont-Veyrier and admire the show from the summits!

La Fête du Lac d’Annecy
Thursday 5 august 2023

Come and discover and admire the biggest fireworks show in Europe. Every year, this event takes place on the first Saturday of August and is always highly anticipated! The event attracts over 200,000 spectators from all over the world to watch this impressive and colourful show on the water and in the air. It is possible to watch the show from the bleachers, (paying seats) allowing you to be in the front row and enjoy the fireworks as well as the shows on land. Hiring a boat is also a very good idea… watching the lake party from the lake is just incredible, you will be dazzled by the beauty of this show. 🎥 show the presentation video

évènements culturels

Le Festival du cinéma italien
End of September

Discover each year the Italian film festival. This festival was created in 1983 and is shown on the screens of Bonlieu Scène Nationale and the Nemours cinema. Every year, prestigious actors and directors are invited to this cultural event in Annecy. The programme is rich and you will be able to attend films by authors, genre films, popular films, documentaries and fictions…

Some winter cultural events

High Five Festival
First weekend in October

Traditionally, on the first weekend of October, ski lovers and professionals get together for a crazy weekend! The atmosphere is guaranteed throughout the city of Annecy, from film screenings at the Pathé Gaumont cinema to meetings with great ski figures and street food stands at the Impérial Palace, not forgetting the brand villages at the Pâquier… you’ll be strolling through the city throughout the weekend. To ignite the streets of Annecy, High Five rhymes with evening, you will be able to enjoy concerts on Friday and Saturday evening at the Impérial Palace.
We assure you, you won’t have time to get bored.

🎥 Discover the presentation

Gardens of Imperial Palace

La Descente des Alpages
Samedi 14 octobre 2023

La Descente des Alpages est une fête traditionnelle à Annecy. Elle signifie e retour des troupeaux de l’estive où ils ont passé les beaux jours… Cette journée est symbolisée et fêtée depuis le Moyen-Âge.
Animation artisanale, démonstration de vieux métiers, défilé de troupeaux d’alpage, dégustation des produits du terroir. Défilé des animaux à 14h30, il est composé de plus de 600 animaux. Ambiance très authentique, dégustation de bons plats savoyards, spécialités culinaires… venez vous immiscer dans la culture Annécienne et ses fêtes traditionnelles.

La Fête Foraine
Fin novembre – début décembre

Toutes les années, la fête foraine revient sur la place des Romains. Emblématique pour les annéciens, c’est un lieu de retrouvaille pour les petits comme pour les grands. Tour de manège à sensations fortes, auto-tamponneuses, maison hanté ou encore dégustations de pommes d’amour et de barbes à papa… il y en a pour tous les goûts !! Au total plus de 50 attractions.

Le Noël des Alpes
Fin novembre à début janvier

Le Noël des Alpes est le marché emblématique tant attendu par les Annéciens. Très populaire, chaque année il regroupe 80 chalets proposant des idées cadeaux ou encore des spécialités culinaires appréciées par tous : vin chaud, sandwich à la raclette, fondue, tartiflettes, idiots polenta, churros, et tant d’autres choses que l’on vous laissera découvrir ! Vous pourrez profiter de l’illumination sur l’Hotel de Ville.

La Montagnette regroupe plusieurs commerçant de la ville d’Annecy, devant le centre Courier et une devant l’Hotel de Ville, proposant des stands avec des spécialités culinaires, le tout dans une ambiance festive. Idéal pour ce détendre après une journée de ski ou une visite d’Annecy.

Le Marché de Noël
Le Marché de Noël – Hôtel de Ville
La Montagnette Courier
Les Vieilles Prisons
Les rues d’Annecy
Diots – polenta

Et pour bien finir l’année avant les fêtes de fin d’année..

La Foire de la Saint André
Le 1er mardi de décembre

Une foire historique depuis plus de 500 ans, la Foire Saint-André existe depuis le Moyen-Âge. Elle permettait aux personnes vivants dans les campagnes de venir s’approvisionner de produits qui étaient introuvables dans leurs villages. Aujourd’hui, elle est toujours autant emblématique et regroupe plus d’un millier de stand dans toute la ville. Vous trouverez sur la foire, des ustensiles de cuisine, des chaussures, des couvertures, des vêtements, des gadgets, des spécialités savoyardes…

Pensez à réserver votre séjour à l’avance pour profiter des meilleures offres et d’un large choix d’appartements et maisons au bord du lac, rien que pour vous ! et de profitez des évènements culturels d’Annecy.

LLA Selections – Location saisonnière de maisons et chalets Premium

Voir aussi : https://www.locationlacannecy.fr/blog/annecy-locations-de-vacances-nos-nouveautes/